Here’s a practical step-by-step guide for individuals who don’t have any personal experience when someone dies, how to look after yourself and when in the process probate comes into play.

1. Register the Death: The first step is to register the death at the Registrar of Births and Deaths. This is essential to obtain death certificates. Alongside this, complete the “Tell Us Once” service, which helps notify various government departments of the passing. It can be an emotional moment; take your time. Remember, they are there to assist.

2. Funeral Arrangements: Plan the funeral by contacting a local funeral director, we recommend using a member of SAIF (The Society of Allied Independent Funeral Directors). Check if the deceased had a pre-paid funeral plan in place. The funeral director will guide you through arrangements. Plan the funeral with the support of friends or family. Share the responsibilities to alleviate the emotional burden. Consider involving close friends who knew the deceased well to help you make meaningful choices.

3. Will Examination: Locate the deceased’s will. If you find one, check if it contains any specific funeral wishes. If you’re not appointed as the executor in the will, contact the executors named in the document. Laurelo can help with this whether there is a will or not.

4. Will Validation: Validate the will to ensure it’s the last will and testament of the deceased. Additionally, check with the probate registrar for any linked accounts and perform a search in the national will register. Where possible show understanding towards the executors and those named/not named in the will. Laurelo can help with all of this.

5. Securing Assets and Documents: If the deceased’s home is unoccupied, take steps to secure it, along with valuables and important documents. Check if there’s insurance cover for the house and its contents and notify the insurers. Arrange a redirection of post to ensure the important mail reaches you. Try where possible to treat their space with the same care they would. If possible, ask friends or family to help with this process although Laurelo can help with this.

6. Car Insurance and Utilities: Notify the deceased’s utility providers and their car insurers to avoid complications with coverage. When speaking to customer service representatives remember they should be accommodating and compassionate. Laurelo can help by looking after all of this for you.

7. Gathering Documents: Collect personal documents belonging to the deceased. Create a list of their assets and liabilities. If you can, check if the deceased made any lifetime gifts of cash or other assets and document these. Once you have gathered together all of these documents sometimes the volume can be very overwhelming, the team at Laurelo are used to reviewing these and making sense of them all.

8. Financial Checks: Run bankruptcy checks, insolvency checks, and dormant asset searches to ensure there are no hidden financial complications. When running financial checks, remember that some debts may be sensitive. Handle these matters with empathy and consider involving a team like Laurelo to navigate complex issues.

9. Government Notifications: Notify HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) and take necessary actions as per their guidelines. Also, inform the DWP (Department for Work and Pensions). We have a dedicated team who can support you with this part of the process.

10. Bank and Financial Institutions: Register the death certificate with the various financial institutions where the deceased held accounts or investments. When registering the death with financial institutions, you can enquire about available bereavement support services. The case management team at Laurelo have a long history of working with bereavement teams at all of the banks in England and Wales and we are used to managing their different processes to close/move accounts and investments.

11. Funeral Expenses: Arrange to pay for the funeral expenses from the deceased’s assets or funds specifically set aside for this purpose. If you’re concerned about covering funeral expenses, reach out to organisations that may offer financial assistance or flexible payment options. We have a solid address book of contacts at reputable companies who could help you with this.

12. Inheritance Tax: Within one year of the death, complete the Inland Revenue Account form, either an IHT400 or an IHT205, detailing all estate assets, debts, and expenses. Pay any inheritance tax due to HMRC and obtain a receipt. Seek guidance from a probate specialist like us for inheritance tax matters. Their expertise can alleviate a lot of unnecessary stress and avoid unnecessary fines/overpayments.

13. Beneficiary Accounting: Prepare accounts to account to the beneficiaries under the will or those inheriting on intestacy. Calculate their entitlements and seek their approval for the accounts. If necessary, trace and identify beneficiaries. This can be very complicated for more complex estates, our team are qualified to ensure this is done in a timely and efficient manner..

14. Final Steps: Review and confirm all financial details, ensuring that allowances have been applied and all data is accurate. Laurelo can help with this.

15. Grant of Probate: If required, apply for a Grant of Probate following the strict guidelines on documentation. This is Laurelo’s area of expertise we offer an extraction only service (we help you to submit the application to the courts) or a full administration service where we do all of the above and more!

There are some other steps you should take to look after yourself and your emotional wellbeing during this time:

Seek Emotional Support: It’s essential to express your emotions during this challenging time. Lean on friends, family, or support groups to share your feelings.

Take Breaks: Don’t forget to take breaks. Grieving can be exhausting. Find moments for self-care and relaxation.

Prioritise Mental Health: Remember that your mental well-being is crucial. Consider seeking professional help from grief counsellors or therapists if needed.

Memorialise with Love: Create a loving memorial or tribute to celebrate the life of the deceased. This can be a source of comfort and closure.

Empathy in Closure:

Support for Beneficiaries: When presenting the accounts to beneficiaries, do so with empathy. Understand that this process may evoke various emotions in them.

Consider Beneficiaries: Keep beneficiaries informed about the progress and timelines. Their understanding and cooperation are essential during this phase.

Final Farewell with Compassion: The closure of the estate is a poignant moment. Handle it with the same care and compassion you showed throughout the process.

Remember, this journey can be challenging, but with empathy, self-care, and the support of professionals like Laurelo who provide expertise and a caring hand throughout this difficult time it can be so much easier.