We’re thrilled to announce that we have achieved Cyber Essentials accreditation! This significant milestone underscores our commitment to safeguarding our clients and our team from the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.


What is Cyber Essentials?

Cyber Essentials is a government-backed scheme that helps organisations protect themselves against the most common cyber attacks. By implementing five critical security controls, we’ve reduced our risk of cyber threats by a staggering 80%. This accreditation isn’t just a badge of honour; it’s a testament to our proactive stance in ensuring that our systems are secure and resilient.


Why Cyber Essentials Matters to You


1. Reassurance and Trust: Our clients can rest easy knowing that their sensitive information is protected. Achieving this certification means we’ve taken essential precautions to safeguard our IT infrastructure, reinforcing the trust placed in us.

2. Attracting New Business: In a world where cyber security is paramount, our Cyber Essentials certification sets us apart. It demonstrates to potential clients that we prioritise data security and are dedicated to maintaining robust defences against cyber attacks.

3. Transparency and Confidence: With this certification, we have a clear, comprehensive understanding of our cyber security status. This transparency ensures that we remain vigilant and responsive to potential threats.

4. Government Contract Opportunities: Certain government contracts require Cyber Essentials certification. With this accreditation, we’re now positioned to pursue new business opportunities that were previously out of reach.


The Changing Landscape of Cyber Threats

Cyber hackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, necessitating advanced countermeasures. The Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2020 highlights that while phishing attacks have surged from 72% to 86% since 2017, incidents of malware have dropped from 33% to 16%. This shift underscores the importance of adaptive and proactive cyber security measures.


Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Our journey doesn’t end here. Achieving Cyber Essentials is a significant step, but we’re committed to continuously enhancing our cyber security measures. We will remain vigilant, ensuring that we stay ahead of emerging threats to provide the safest and most secure experience for our clients.


To find out more about  Cyber Essentials visit:https://www.cyberessentialsonline.co.uk to find out more about
Laurelo and how we work call our advice line on 020 30582329.