Spotlight on Paul Radcliffe – Tell us more about you. An interview with Probate Paul

What was your first job?

I worked in a video shop, yes to anyone under the age of 30 we used to have something called VHS Videos which were pre-DVD and pre-Netflix ha-ha. I worked part-time while I studied to become a financial adviser and was such a wonderful carefree time. Safe to say if you have me for a pub quiz for films 1994-1996, I would do amazing.

Why did you choose the probate field you are in?

So, I was a qualified financial adviser for 15 years until the banking crash in 2007/2008 when nearly all the UK banks made over 70,000 redundancies and the bank financial adviser was no more. I went self-employed for a few years as a mortgage adviser and then was given the opportunity to retrain in law and become a probate consultant and have never looked back. I have been professional face-to-face advising for nearly all my working life.

How did you hear about Laurelo?

When I was at previous companies within the probate industry it was impossible not to know about them. They may be small compared to some of the companies I have previously worked for but they know how to treat their staff and the families they look after. They have a high reputation as they have high expectations and I wanted to be part of that.

What are some skills or strengths you bring to the team?

I feel I bring a very high level of compassion and care. I know what it is like to lose loved ones and I also absolutely know how troublesome probate can be so I educate, educate.

What is a small thing that makes your job easier/better?

The team always being included, and all of them feel considered and important.

What is the best work event you have been to? What made it so great?

There are 2 National Award ceremonies, one where I personally scooped an industry recognition award and then ‘the Oscars of the probate world (British Wills and Probate awards) where Laurelo won the last 2 years’ Probate Provider of the Year. It is just so humbling that the industry recognises the hard work we are doing and the free education we always offer.

What helps keep you motivated?

Helping families when they need it the most by offering the best possible service.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

A police officer 100% and I possibly could have done but I had a horrible football injury to my knee and was told I couldn’t pass the medical exam.

What does your morning routine look like? Does it change?

Well, I have a 4-year-old daughter who thinks sleep is for wimps. So, it generally starts at 5 am every day whether I Tuesday or a Sunday but I find I am very productive and if you get a 5 am email from me then you know why.

What’s your go-to morning beverage?

Tea white no sugar. Anyone who knows me knows this is my weakness and I will never turn down a tea on a client visit or a family sit.

What do you consider yourself to be good at? What could you improve? Communication, efficiency, compassion, timekeeping, thriving to be the best but improve on my diet.

What is the best perk you have had at a job?

It would have to be the unlimited free video rentals when you’re 16 this was like winning a jackpot!

If you could speak any language, what would it be?

Either Italian or Spanish as we love Holidays in both of those countries.

What was your first big splurge?

I had some very fashionable friends who always had clothes that were in fashion and I saved up for a year (1999) doing a paper round for a pair of Predator football boots was still a wonderful memory the problem was they didn’t make me play any better.

What was your first car? Did you name it?

Black Nova and I didn’t name it.

What is your ultimate movie snack?

Sweet popcorn and the largest tub possible.

What does a perfect day off look like for you?

I love a west end show and we have been lucky enough to take our 4-year-old to Frozen which was amazing.

What was your first mobile phone?

Nokia 1610 I felt I had made it in life!

What is your biggest fashion regret? Have you seen it re-emerge since?

Oversized Leather Jacket, oh dear let’s move on!

What is the worst meal you’ve ever cooked?

COOKED?! I have the best wife ever so thankfully I do not need to do the cooking although I do the best pancakes.

What is the weirdest nickname you’ve ever had?

What is strange is through school I was known as Radders and then throughout my adult life some people still call me this but very happy with it as it could have been a lot worse.

Where would you like to be in 10 years?

Healthy, and with my loving family but I would still like to be helping families with probate as I am passionate.

What is an achievement you are proud of?

I was Hertfordshire high jump champion and had trials for the GB juniors under 18s unfortunately I didn’t get through but it was such a proud time.

Is there someone in your life you admire? Why do you admire them?

My mum as this is where I get my compassion and caring side. She has given me all the attributes to be the best probate consultant I can ever be.

What do you like to do to relax?

With a 4-year-old there is not much relaxing but I do like a good crime drama/thriller once she has gone to sleep.

‘Probate’ Paul has an unrivalled black book of introducers as a result of the consistently excellent reviews, feedback and testimonials his clients and partners leave him. To work with Paul you can contact him at: