Meet Zoë Hood, our latest consultant who heads up probate in Devon and Cornwall.

We grilled Zoë to find out some of her biggest, most important secrets to share with you…

Meet Zoë:

Q: What was your first car? And did you name it?

A: A ford fiesta, it had TEA in the reg and it was blue! I called her Tetley

Q:What was your first job?

A: Got a job after school when I was 13 working on an icecream van that sold all sorts … even womens tights!

Q: If you could choose any celebrity to be your best friend, who would it be?

A: Sarah Cox

Q: Have you checked something off your Bucket List? What was it?

A: Relocating to Cornwall from Derbyshire

Zoë is a kind soul that is a wearer of many hats and spinner of many plates. In a previous life was a full-time professional vocalist and has sang all over the world, she even appeared on a well known TV show called ‘Stars in their eyes’ !…she still sings for fun now in a local funk band in Cornwall, you can catch Zoe’s performance on stars in their eyes here….:

To chat to Zoë and find out more about working with her you can reach out to her: