Laurelo is proud to become a member of the Funeral Supplier’s Association (FSA), a leading body within the funeral industry. Established in 1939, the FSA is the link between manufacturers and suppliers of goods and suppliers to the funeral sector. Aligning with Laurelo’s own commitment to excellence, the FSA aims to safeguard and improve on traditional high standards.
Our membership to the FSA, complements our existing affiliation with The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF), and The National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD) – both of which are committed to best practice, and are progressive voices within the funeral profession. Our memberships ensure we are always working to a strict code of conduct, based on integrity, transparency, openness, and confidentiality.
While we may be a business with old-fashioned values, innovation is prominent in everything that we do. We are continually investing in the company and it is important that we stay current with industry authoritative bodies. Not only does it enable us to ensure that we are adhering to the highest standards of compliance and client care, it also allows us to learn about new and pioneering ways of operating.
To find out how you can become a Laurelo partner and the benefits we offer our Professional Partners please enquire here:
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Here at Laurelo, we're committed to our clients and their path to probate
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