Introducer: Taylor Lucas Partnership
Location: Staffordshire
I had met a member of Laurelo’s team and was so impressed with their vision for the industry we care deeply about. They are genuine, caring, and passionate and I knew this is who I wanted my clients to speak to at their time of vulnerability.
How Laurelo Helped
The feedback I have received from my clients on their interaction with Laurelo has always been extremely positive. Clients have been impressed with their attention to detail, quick responses, great knowledge, and all-around super service. When our team members have questions about Laurelo’s specialisms, they are always happy to answer them and give up so much of their time to help us. I am so grateful that we have a partnership with this special company.
Why Laurelo Was Different
Laurelo cares about their work and their responsibilities more than I have seen anywhere else. Their values are strong and go deep. I’m afraid, it is not exactly common practice from my experience, so it puts them head and shoulders above their competitors.
“The industry is a better place with Laurelo in it!”
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Here at Laurelo, we're committed to our clients and their path to probate
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