All of our professional partners share our level of commitment and are aligned with Laurelo’s core values. They include businesses and organisations in the end-of-life and after death sectors and, as an enhancement to their service offering, many of our partners are also Introducers. Introducers can expand their services safe in the knowledge that we look after every client consistently.
Introducers can expand their services safe in the knowledge that we look after every client consistently.
“Our award-winning team are on hand to fully support your clients and guide them throughout the probate process”
- A professional and reliable service from start to end, demonstrating compassion and sensitivity towards your clients/families
- A fast and efficient service that keeps you and your client/family informed every step of the way, whilst still retaining old-fashioned values of client care and putting the them first
- Removal of any complicated hassle or confusion by handling all paperwork, client management and updates
- Customer feedback with a client testimonial/satisfaction score on each case referred for peace of mind
- The option to choose the level of involvement you’d like on each case referred
- Association with an award-winning probate administration company
- Content to promote and educate on probate
- Social media
- Leaflets and handouts
- Full support and advice to guide clients on probate
- Competitive referral fees providing an additional income stream for your business
To apply to become one of our Introducers or a Professional Partner please contact us:
Some of our professional partners

What Happens When You Can’t Find a Will?
What Happens When You Can’t Find a Will? Dealing with someone’s estate after death is not an easy job, but if you can’t find the person’s Will, it can be even more challenging. Some people may never have made a Will, in which case their estate would be distributed...
Why You Need to Choose Your Executors Wisely
Why You Need to Choose Your Executors Wisely An Executor is someone you appoint in your Will to take on the responsibility of handling your legal and financial affairs after your death. In many cases, it will be a family member or close friend that you choose. Or you...
How Does a Caveat Affect a Probate Application?
How Does a Caveat Affect a Probate Application? To manage the affairs of someone who has died, you need to apply to the Probate Registry for a Grant of Representation. Whether you’re an Executor applying for a Grant of Probate or an Administrator applying for a Grant...
Here at Laurelo, we're committed to our clients and their path to probate
Here at Laurelo, we’re committed to our clients and their path to probate