We’ve just been announced as a FINALIST in the:
category at the PROBIES 2023
We’re delighted, proud and very honoured to have been announced as a FINALIST in The UK Probate Research Awards (The Probies) 2023. The awards which take place in Westminster, London in April, are hosted by Rob Rinder MBE and celebrate the achievements and skills of those in the industry.
Our nomination recognised Laurelo for being:
- Industry leaders
- THE Probate provider of the Year (as recognised by The British Wills and Probate Awards)
- Experts in what we do – we specialise in probate only
- Transparent and operating fairly with a fixed fee service
- Innovative, inclusive and focused on delivering an award winning service
“This recognition further helps cement our belief that we are heading in the right direction to continue delivering an outstanding service to clients”
The Probies are entering their fifth year, and have brought multiple sectors together to commend the best of the best in the world of probate research and private client law throughout the UK. Laurelo have also recently been awarded WINNER of Probate Provider of the year at The British Wills and Probate Awards.
If you’d like to know more about our probate services, or are interested in working with us as a professional partner, please get in touch with one of our team on
0203 058 2329 or email info@laurelo.co.uk.
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