We do not deal in contentious probate cases. We charge a fixed fee.
We do not take payment until the grant is received from the courts (no upfront fees required)
We have a compliance team of Legal Executives to ensure applications are submitted accurately.
A probate application can be completed by a family themselves and isn’t ‘rocket science’, however our team support families that are grieving and do not want to have to worry about paperwork and the courts.
We offer free support to executors to tell them how to complete the forms themselves if their case is straightforward.
We are available for advice and consultation 24:7 – meaning families do not have to wait until office opening times.
We offer full hand-holding, advice, and support throughout the probate journey for our families meaning we communicate well and regularly.
ALL of our callers and enquiries are asked where and how they heard about us and the source of the enquiry is thanked appropriately.
We believe in our service level so much that we offer the option for any of our Professional Partners to attend a family consultation, sit in on a call or speak to our existing/past clients about their experience with Laurelo (subject to the client agreeing).
Why You Need to Choose Your Executors Wisely
Why You Need to Choose Your Executors Wisely An Executor is someone you appoint in your Will to take on the responsibility of handling your legal and financial affairs after your death. In many cases, it will be a family member or close friend that you choose. Or you...
How Does a Caveat Affect a Probate Application?
How Does a Caveat Affect a Probate Application? To manage the affairs of someone who has died, you need to apply to the Probate Registry for a Grant of Representation. Whether you’re an Executor applying for a Grant of Probate or an Administrator applying for a Grant...
What are the Consequences of Dying Without a Will?
What are the Consequences of Dying Without a Will? No one likes to think about their own about death. It’s one reason why over half of adults in the UK haven’t made a Will yet. But have you ever considered what would happen to your assets if you should pass away...
Here at Laurelo, we're committed to our clients and their path to probate
Here at Laurelo, we're committed to our clients and their path to probate