We place a strong emphasis on investing in our partners. From the defined listening style we’ve developed when assisting bereaved families, to offering more updates, more free advice and more added value, we are a close-knit team working with a shared vision.
Although we work with hundreds of introducers, we are committed to working as one collaborative team with a unified approach to client care and loyalty. Our success to date, teamed with our impressive growth is attributed to the innovative and caring way in which we all support families navigating the path to Probate. People, not billable time, is at the heart of everything we do.
We are constantly working on growing and developing our partnerships network, to improve the way families are supported. By working directly with independent funeral homes, we enable funeral arrangers to offer families integrated probate and estate administration services. This allows more flexibility, choice, and support. Our team also provides training for introducers and their staff.
Here’s a link to our video testimonials from funeral homes we work with.
Most often, the families we assist are referred to us, our partners are confident that we provide a service that they can stake their reputation on. We’re extremely proud that a result of our efforts, the recommendations, and referrals we receive from funeral homes across the UK create over 80% of the probate work we undertake.
To find out more about becoming a partner simply complete our form which can be found here:
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Here at Laurelo, we're committed to our clients and their path to probate
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